Friday, October 31, 2008

Raine's frustration

I know no one in our class is going to agree with me, I know I stand in the minority as a college student who is a republican. And I'm sure how I feel is how many democrats would feel about if McCain was in the lead.

I am worried about the lack of experience Obama holds, who is close to becoming President. I don't see that he is qualified at all to be President. He has only had two years in the Senate. When did two years make some one qualified to run a country. He lacks any experience. I would rather have a Vice Presidential candidate with less experience than have a Presidential candidate with no experience.

As i was the person who stood up and advocated McCain yesterday in class, I wanted to provide a link to a little youtube clip explaining what I was talking about yesterday with Obama's economic plan. I hope people take a look at this and think for a minute if they really think Obama's plan will help the economy.

And for those people that want out of Iraq now, good luck with voting for Obama. I am currently watching CNN, and they just stated that Obama is not going for any sort of radical change. He will not be able to get rid of the 12 billion dollars that is going towards Iraq. He is now in agreement with Bush's pre-emptive policy if necessary as well. Sounds like nothing is going to CHANGE like he claims it will.

My apologies if I offended any one. Everyone has an opinion. Many people get to voice theirs for Obama during class. Im open to criticism as well.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lack of Resources

I just read an article on USA Today online about polling locations and lack of resources, especially in Virginia. According to the article, resources are lacking in predominately minority and lower class communities. It's an interesting subject to consider, while the article also makes mention that minority and younger people are more likely to vote for a candidate such as Barack Obama because of his more liberal ideals. The article goes on to mention that long lines due to lack of resources could cause many to just get fed up and go home. It makes you wonder if there is a giant conspiracy happening to keep minorities and young people from waiting at the polls!!!!