Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sick of negativity!!!!

Since last night I have heard a few very negative things about Obama. I understand that no one likes to lose and you may not be happy with the results, but there is no need for hatred. As upset as McCain supporters are, they need to realize that democrats went through the same thing in the past two elections... so you guys are not alone nor oppressed. Things don't always turn out the way we would like for them to but life does and will go on!!... So stop acting like the world is coming to an end! We have just been through eight years of what some would call the worst presidency in history, and guess what?... we're all still here!!! I know you all wouldn't want anyone to bash McCain if he had won so please don't be a hypocrite.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Election

Well it is sad to see that its over but it was a very historic night. I have been in with this campaign snese the New Hampshire primaries and i had a great exerience. There were things that I felt could have been changed but what is done is done. The media basically gave the presidency to Barrack Obama. So i felt it was pretty unfair with everything that happened but what is done is done. I may not have liked the outcome but i will always respect the presidency of the United STates and would hope that the rest of America will. That is something that i think everyone needs to start doing, both republican and democrat, conservative and liberal.


I think that we all need to be grateful that we witnessed this historic election. I volunteered for the Obama campaign this weekend and it was wonderful to see how many people have come out to vote for the first time and how many people have volunteered. He could not have done it without their help! Also even if you are not an Obama supporter, this is historic! I am proud of our state and happy in general !


Did anyone see Ralph Nader's responce on FOX 5?? It was horrible and uncalled for.

McCain and Obama

I think that both of their speeches we great. I know that a lot of McCain supporters feared Obama as the president, but McCain's speech seemed encouraging to all Americans. He rallied for us to support the next president! I think that was extremely cordial on his part! I am happy for Obama and Sad for McCain! Obamas Speech was extremely empowering and i hope that change dose come to our country! CONGARATS BARRACK!

Obama's speech

His speech was amazing. Saying to the republicans that he didnt have there votes but he is willing to help them out also, but they have to remember he is the president, and it is a give in take situation. I believe America made the right choose in voting for Obama as president. He is going to do alot of good for our country and he isnt going to stop until the job gets done. Looking at the people in the audiance, Obama is their insperational, and they believe in him and know he is going to help them out.

I am very excited to what our future is going to bring and what change is going to be done in the next four years.


An Amazing Moment in History

As I watch Barack Obama speak, I'm thinking about what an amazing campaign this has been. There's much ahead to do, and now we must work to unite this country so we can move forward. Lots of work to be done. It's been great to share this journey with our learning community.

How's everyone doing right now????

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain's Speech

McCain's concession speech could not have been better! He was so gracious and thankful to his supporters. He was so respectful to try and prevent his crowd from boo-ing Obama & Biden. I am an Obama supporter 100% but the speech made me wish that no one had to lose. Congrats to McCain & Palin for a fantastic race! Each of them has still made history.
WOW! I am absolutely speechless! What a priceless moment in history! Virginia, Florida, & Colorado... That's AMAZING! Congrats Barack... you deserve it :)


I am very excited that Obama has won presidency, and I am very impressed by the difference between the two with Obama having 324 electoral votes and McCain had 145, it was obviously a land slide.

For this being my first time voting, everyone I voted for had won tonight so that is very exciting.

I think what really helped Obama win this election is the younger generation (18-24). Every time they showed people on tv talking about the voting where college students. So Obama is already starting a change by getting the younger generation to express their civic duty by getting out there and voting.

Results as of now

I agree Gabby this thing is sooooo exciting and is on the edge of your seat excitement. I wish it was over and we knew who our president is. But I believe Obama has closed in the gap and widen his chance on winning this thing. He just needs CA and one other state and he is done, which is more than likely going to happen.

What I find interesting is that VA is still undecided. I believe McCain will more than likely win the state, but there is obviously some concerns which is interesting.

I thought it was interesting that North Carolina is still up in the air and undecided. Especially since it seat in the senate has been switched from Republican to Democrat.

Freaking out!!

This is sooooooo crazy guys! I'm freaking out....Ive never been so excited and anxious about this! ahhh I almost have to stop watching cnn, fox, cspan... two in half-three hours and we will know who the next president is!!!!



Too Cool... You must SEE!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Steelers 23... Redskins....6

Well, the Redskins lost, so could that mean we will have a new party in the White House??? I guess we have to wait and see if the legend continues...

tomorrows election

I am actually kind of excited to vote tomorrow, I think a lot of it has to do with this class, if it was not for it I probably would not have much interest in voting. I have finally come to a decision on who I plan on voting for tomorrow.
This past weekend I worked all weekend and I stay the night at my job ( I am a nanny) and at night time I tend to read news articles on my phone and this past weekend they were all related to the candidates doing their last minute speeches for the states who are still undecided. An article I found interesting was on the state on Montana. In the past century Montana has been voted as a republic state all but two elections. This year Montana is undecided and the call is very close with 46% Obama and 44% McCain and 9% undecided. The reason why they were talking about Montana is because Montana can either really help one candidate pull a head and possibly win the electoral votes or vice verse.
The one thing I have notice most today is the media ads. When I was in the car every other radio commercial was one of the candidates ad. On the tv almost every commercial was an Obama ad, and on the news that is all they talked about and if you save your I voted sticker you can recieve a lot of free stuff from the community from ice cream, starbucks, and burritos.
I plan on watching the voting turn outs and what state votes Obama or McCain around 9:00pm. After my 10:30 class I am heading home to vote, and my predictions for tomorrow nights victory is 52% Obama 46% McCain and 2% Green Party.

The Day Before

Its the day before the election and the school seems to be really excited about tomorrow. Everyone is wearing their voting stickers and pins! I can only imagine what the rest of the country and world is doing right now. I voted three weeks ago and I have been so excited to see what the outcome is going to be. I feel like what I am about to say people will judge anyway but you cant please everybody right? I think that both cadidates are really qualified to be the next president of the United States. McCain has been through it all and its almost like he deserves to be president because of all he has given to the country. Obama is an inspiration to a lot of the younger generations and he understands what and how the country needs to make it a better place. They both are here because they want the opportunity to work for Americans and help get us out of the economic crisis and move forward with the war. I am a bit worried for after the election because there will be people upset because there can only be one president. I am worried about the violence that might occur and the hatred that people will have towards the next president. I am not sure how anyone else really feels about the 'aftermath' of this long, gruling process, but I would like to know that I am not the only one concerned with this issue and how everyone else feels...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A bunch of thoughts before the choice is made

I woke up this morning thinking about this entire election process and how far we have come. I thought of Hilary Clinton coming to George Mason today and I thought about the ‘what ifs’ for this election. What if Senator Barack Obama chose Hilary for his VP? And I went into great detail in my mind what would have happened. All of the Hilary Supporters would have gone crazy, and been so happy that she would have a chance. A lot of Obama supporters would have said that was a bad call, but most would have supported him because they love him through thick and thin. The next spur of thoughts that went through my mind was what would Republicans say about him choosing Hilary Clinton? They would say that she does not have enough foreign affairs experience. They will criticize her clothing style and say that her pant suites won’t hide the fact that she still is a woman. They will say that Barack Obama just chose her because she is a woman and that he should have chosen someone more qualified for the job of VP. They also will probably say that the two of them together are just too inexperienced to lead the country out of the current economic crisis. The two of them will not be able to get us out of the war either. They need to wait another four to eight years for them to gain more experience. A lot of Americans will compare Senators McCain experience to Senator Obama and Clintons experience and say that McCain has more combined experience than the two of them combined. Basically they would get on Clinton’s case just as hard as they are getting on Palin’s case about most of the issues that they media is playing out for the public- from hair to her experience and credibility. I feel that despite my bias, there is no such thing as the perfect candidate for presidency every has their faults. It is impossible to please all of your voters 100 %. So no matter what move the candidate makes, there will always be people who are not going to like the decision and complain/ make a big deal over it.