Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Matt went to McCain Rally

On Saturday October 18th i went to the MCain Rally in Woodbridge Virginia. It was the first rally i had been to sense the New Hampshire trip. It really borught back some old memories of standing in line and waiting to see the candidate. I thought it was really fun to hear the chants that were said "NOBAMA" and "DRILL BABY DRILL" There were women dressed up like Srah Palin with teh same hairdue and the glasses. They had people such as Phil The Brick Layer and Rose The Teacher, who were basically playing off Joe The Plumber. It was a fun time. the speakers were Gilmore (running for Senator) Fimian (running for Congress) and the county representative Corey Stewart. It was quite an experience to go. I once again got to meet John McCain. That night i watched T.V. and was only able to see a little bit of what he said at the rally and not the key points of the speech. i think if you have not been to a poltical rally you need to go. You are able to learn more about a candidate and about what they sya than just by watching it on T.V.

Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain Roasts Obama

McCain is actually funny here...

Obama Roasts McCain

I thought this video was really funny. I am also going to post McCain roasting Obama.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Obama YAY! :-)

What do you all think about Colin Powell decision to endorses Senator Barack Obama?