Thursday, September 4, 2008

McCain's Speech

Well...well...well...where to start? Did anyone see his backdrop of the white house? what a selling point? or the people who randomly were shown by the camera i have NO IDEA what they did but I have a feeling it wasn't good considering security escorted them away! Anyways I thought that McCain's speech was acceptable, considering I am an Obama supporter. However, I really enjoyed how he, or whoever wrote his speech, talked directly to the undecided voters. I think that the way he worded it "...I intend to earn your trust..." or something like that. I thought the way he addressed Obama was respectful and honorable, just like I thought Obama did a good job of honorably mentioning his opponent in his speech. He said "we are very different...but despite our differences, we are Americans which means more to me than any other!...but don't get me wrong we will win this election." I also think he did a good job of targeting the Obama/Biden comments of "the next 4 years cannot be the same as the last 8." He said something along the lines of let's get this country back on track/road and bring change to the white house. He talks about change a lot! I don't know much about McCain or his campaign but when I hear "CHANGE" i think of Obama, so I'm not sure how I feel about him "stealing his slogan" if you will. I thought he did a very good job talking about Gov. Sarah Palin. "She has experience..." and he named several, which I thought proved and showed the world WHY he choose her as his running mate. I liked how he said "She doesn't let anyone tell her to sit down...I'm honored to have introduced you to her...but I will be even more honored to introduce her in the white house." I thought that was a great symbolic display of his trust and confidence in choosing her as his running mate! He also mentioned President Bush but only for a moment but I thought that briefly talking about him was what he needed to do! I think Sen. John McCain said what he needed to say. And for being an Obama supporter I think that McCain just made this election look like it will be a close one!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin- VP

I think that people are giving Palin a hard time about the whole family thing. Yeah she has a family, but then Obama does too, and he is running for President. Is it an issue because she is a woman? If that is the case that is just absurd. Obama has two young girls at home, is he even really around for them in their young age? Palin has three kids who are older, practically raised, but if she need to be in the home then so does Obama.

Sarah Palin...?

Ok I'm a little confused... I do not understand McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. While she may be honored to have been chosen, I am concerned about her focus and dedication to the job in the months to come. If you had a 4 month old baby and a grandchild on the way wouldn't you want to spend the majority of your time at home with your family?
Also, one of the biggest complaints by the Republican Party about Barack Obama is the fact that he doesn't have much experience. But does Sarah Palin have any more? Infact, most of America didn't even know who she was until McCain introduced her as the next Vice President.
The other day my dad brought it to my attention that 9 times in the past something has happen to the president and the VP has had to take over. So taking into account McCain's age, you just have to ask yourself that in the off-chance that something tragic were force McCain out of presidency, is Sarah Palin really the person you want to run your country?