Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin- VP

I think that people are giving Palin a hard time about the whole family thing. Yeah she has a family, but then Obama does too, and he is running for President. Is it an issue because she is a woman? If that is the case that is just absurd. Obama has two young girls at home, is he even really around for them in their young age? Palin has three kids who are older, practically raised, but if she need to be in the home then so does Obama.


annie said...

My feelings about Palin have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman! I would feel the same if Obama had 4 month old child. I know Obama has two young daughters, however they are both already of school-attending age and Michelle Obama currently only works part time. But Palin has a practically newborn baby who not only needs and deserves the undivided care that every baby does, but also has extra needs. And all children need thier parents. Yes I was "practically raised" at 17 but that doesn't mean my parents' job was over and done with. And now that one of these older children has a child on the way, chances are she will need her mother even more.
(Please don't think that I am judging her or her daughter for this because in no way does it change how I view them as people, I am only referring to it for family values.)
Palin's husband is an oil field production operator and also own a commercial business so it's not like he is a stay-at-home dad. If Palin were in charge, her husband couldn't be home, and there was a family emergency, who would she choose... the country or her family?
Personally I would want to be there for my family. All I am saying is that the title of Vice President may sound glorious right now but overwhelmed and unfocused may be the true emotions in a few months. But if she truly thinks she can handle it than more power to her!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Annie on this. I personally struggle as a wife, full time student, full time employee, and a mom to two pets. I could not imagine I could handle everything she has on her plate.

Palin may be strong enough to handle the responsibility, but if something were to happen within her family, she may not be able to be there when she is needed the most.

Its something to think about.