Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's selection for running mate

So, any thoughts about Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate????


Matt Webster said...

At first I actually was like, McCain what are you doing? I had never heard of her before. I put my foot in my mouth when i heard her speak. she represents the middle working class people. she is very strongly for energy and environment and managing budget spending. she seems like a very bright and intelligent woman. She has gone to congress and stood up for beleifs and ideals and has helped in the clean up of corruption in Alaska. This to me was a very good pick by McCain. What a historical election this will be.

Valorie said...

I think its great. I haven't really looked into her yet, but he put a woman on the ticket. Its something some people might say is like "kryptonite" to Obama.

D'Leon B. said...

I think it a wonderful idea to have a female on the Presidential ticket, but at the same time was it the right decision for Senator McCain to choose Governor Palin after only meeting with her twice. It makes me wonder if he chose her, because of how strong Senator Clinton did in the primaries against Obama and her fight for the working class. Also, Senator McCain is exceedingly old and Obama id fairly young. It was clear that he had to select someone young. Governor Palin is 4 years younger than Obama. When putting all of this together it seems like Senator tried to match the Democratic Party and that slows that he was insecure in the direction of his campaign. Lastly, event though having Governor Palin on the Presidential ticket is a wonderful idea I don’t believe if something was to happen to Senator McCain Governor Palin will not be able to handle the job as Commander and Chief.

Jeannette said...

I do not know enough about Sarah Palin as of right now. I will have to do some research about her and what she stands for before making a decision on whether McCain picked a good vice president or not.

C. Kelly said...

At first I thought McCain was a genius for picking Sarah Palin. She's a girl! She's hot! She's got kids! She's got executive experience! She's more conservative than he is!

Now, after watching the news and hearing more about her. I don't think it was a very good decision on his part. She's too young and inexperienced, which makes Obama's experience level a non-issue. She has no foreign policy experience. People in the Republican party don't even know who she is. One of the most prominent female politicians in the GOP (forgot her name) even said she had to do some research on her. Now, there's this scandalous (but irrelevant) pregnant teen daughter... I think he should have picked an older woman with more experience.

Also, I think the country should be concerned about her ability to lead the nation in the event McCains kicks the bucket. He's 72 and he has had cancer.

KevinSanchez said...

I feel that McCain made a good VP pick, in terms of a political strategy. I think by choosing a woman as his Vice President, he will win many votes. I feel that there are many people that are still waiting for a woman to climb up the political ladder, and as of right know, Sarah Palin is very close to the top. I think people will put some of there political views aside and vote for McCain, for that simple fact.

On the other hand, I feel that she might not have been a good choice. I have been watching a lot of T.V coverage of her, and for the most part it seems very positive. But there are many stories out there that have attacked her character and moral integrity. The things the media is bringing up might seem small, but it can mean everything to the voter.

Just a thought.

Laura Ann said...

In reaction to Sarah Palin's acceptance speech:

What a bullet! She is awesome! Her speech was really great! She is definitely a confident woman. She did not hold anything back. I think that she definitely took time to introduce herself and her policies and her background. I think that she really addressed all of the questions that people have had about her. She really hit everything hard and was very very very great. She definitely exceeded all of my expectations. I do not think that anyone will have any problems with her articulation and communication skills. One thing that I noticed was that she did not use Obama's name too many times- instead she said our opponent- I think that this is good because it is focusing more on what McCain was going to do rather than the other side. I also really liked how she took time to offer rebuttal to all of the attacks on both her and McCain.

-Laura Thompson