Monday, September 15, 2008

McCain Palin Rally in Fairfax

Not sure if I am posting this correctly or blogging correctly so here goes anyways!

I was able to get to the McCain Palin rally which was on wednesday of last week. It was AMAZING to see how many people were there, literally tens of thousands of people. The whole place was insane.

Somethings I noticed was that both Palin and McCain used parts of their acceptance speeches in there speech. I got kind of frustrated with this at first and was talking to my mother about all of this. She mentioned that not everyone watches the acceptance speeches; which i thought was appalling! Just kidding! But that is very true. A lot of people do not watch all of these speeches and vote based merely upon the candidate's party. I don't think uniformed voters should vote, sounds a little harsh I know, but people should vote for what they think will be best for their country! Not just who ever is running for their party of choice.

One thing that I thought was really cool about the McCain Palin rally was the fact that they had 2 strongly dedicated democrats speak on McCain's behalf. One was a small business owner from Richmond. She had heard McCain's speech about what he would do for cutting business taxes, such as eliminating the second to largest business tax, I believe, to help benefit businesses around the country. This in turn could create more jobs and help our economy grow. She claimed this is why she was voting for McCain. The other speaker was an avid Clinton supporter. This was the woman that I guess started all of the controversy by making the lipstick on a pig quote. I completely agree that the Media took this and ran with it, creating such a big deal out of nothing. However, the Clinton supporter made the argument that she would vote for McCain because he chose an experienced woman that has accomplished a great amount of things in her time as governor. She said that when she sat down with the McCain campaign and suggested that he pick an experienced woman as his running mate, they were very receptive and welcomed this idea while the Obama campaign rejected this idea.

Of course not everyone is going to agree with me since I have such strong conservative beliefs, but I agreed with the Clinton supporter on Obama's poor choice in running mates. I felt that if his campaign, which is so strongly about change, should have picked a fresher face than Biden. Biden has been in congress doing the same things for over 20 years. I do not see change being brought by Biden, just the same things that have been happening in congress for years.

So thats my thoughts on the McCain Palin Rally. Loved it, was super excited to be there. I apologize it took me this long to finally get on here and blog about it. Would love to hear other people's opinions on it!!

1 comment:

Matt Webster said...

I tend to like the Pailin Mccain ticket. Like i said in class it works as the Master teaching the apprentice and not the other way around. I do not think i have seen this many democrats voice their opinion for the opposing party than in past elections. It is going to be a close race.