Tuesday, October 7, 2008

All in favor say "I"; all opposed say "Nay"

Is it just me or does it bother anyone else when politicians get attacked for how they voted on the Iraq war? This was brought up again tonight by John McCain when he was asked a question about the Iraq surge to which his reply made mention of Barack Obama making the wrong decision when voting against the war (mind my paraphrasing). There have then been other times when Obama has attacked McCain’s vote in favor of the war.
Now, I don’t know much about politics, but I do know elected officials have limited psychic abilities. They make decisions that are right (according to them) at the time and do so having been given substantial evidence by the president and/or whomever else. Having noted that,

How then could ANYONE have been able to foresee the current economic devastation that seems to be partly a result of the war?

How then could ANYONE have been able to foresee what seems to be our defeat in Iraq?

How then could ANYONE have been able to foresee the immense number of American and Iraqi casualties that have resulted from this war?

How then could ANYONE have been able to foresee the length of time we have spent in Iraq?

Unless someone consulted Ms. Cleo about what was to come, we can’t go around blaming politicians for the way they voted way back when. We also have to take into consideration that there was a point in time when false information about Iraq was spewing about—anyone remember the issue of Iraq possibly having WMD or the rumor that some of the 9/11 hijackers were possibly from Iraq? If I was a politician and I was told such things (along with other information, of course), I’m sure it would affect my vote.
It seems to have become commonality in this election and in the previous 2004 presidential election to attack politicians mainly for voting in favor of the war now that we’ve seen the catastrophe that has resulted from it. Does this mean that had we achieved victory in Iraq, politicians who voted against the surge would then be attacked for making a bad decision and not having enough confidence in their nation and their troops? Maybe it’s just me, but to be ambiguous is only human.

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