Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lack of Resources

I just read an article on USA Today online about polling locations and lack of resources, especially in Virginia. According to the article, resources are lacking in predominately minority and lower class communities. It's an interesting subject to consider, while the article also makes mention that minority and younger people are more likely to vote for a candidate such as Barack Obama because of his more liberal ideals. The article goes on to mention that long lines due to lack of resources could cause many to just get fed up and go home. It makes you wonder if there is a giant conspiracy happening to keep minorities and young people from waiting at the polls!!!!


Laura Ann said...


for some reason i can't make a post today... sorry keeley.. this doesn't have anything to do with your post...

anyways this article talks about how cheney and obama are related... they are 8th cousins. the article is from msnbc and looks pretty legitimate so im pretty sure its safe to say its true. it is interesting to me how one family can have two completely opposite political ideologies in it. it seems like in history we are always taught about how children have continually been raised to believe what their parents believed and what their parents parents believed and so on. anyways i just though that it was an interesting article.
- laura ann

Sara said...

Laura Ann:
This week my group and I have gone into middle and elementary schools to talk about the elections and the candidates. After our presentations we did a mock election to see which candidate would win based on the classroom election. Obama won every time. Afterwards the students began asking each other why people were choosing the candidate they voted for. Some students said that if they could vote they were voting for the individual their parents were voting for...most of them said they were choosing the complete opposite of their parents. I do agree that there can be more than one ideology in a family. My family is almost primarily Republican and I am FAR from being Republican and I knew this when I was in 7th grade civics when I first started to learn what a Republican and a Democrat were. I don’t want to get off on a tangent but basically I do believe there can be more than one ideology in a family because each individual has their own set beliefs and values. Yes you grow up with certain ones your parents instill on you but as you grow up your beliefs change and they may change to be similar to your parents or in the complete opposite direction, like myself.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Although I would like to think there is not a conspiracy against Obama that makes it more difficult for his supporters to vote, it is ironic.