Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama switching VP

I know we brought this up in class., but i felt that it needed to be discussed. I heard that Obama may change his Vice President to Hilary and get rid of Biden. This i feel is something that will hurt him in his campaign for the presidency. It is not fair to Biden nor to Hilary. I think it will hurt the campaign because it shows that he can't make the right decisions which i think is one of the big points that alot of people are still uncertain about choosing him for president. Going back to his lack of experience and his 130 no votes while in the state legislature. This i feel would hurt him. I am sure that is all rumor and hope that he would not change his VP selection. I also feel it would be a major problem for companies who have made the Obama/Biden buttons and shirts for the campaign.

Give me some feedback
-Matt Webster


Sara said...

I completely and utterly agree with you Matt. I am an undecided voter leaning towards Obama. I actually wasn't around a tv or radio much this last weekend so I didn't hear the rumor that he might switch his VP. When someone mentioned it in class today I was thinking exactly what you said, that people are uncertain about him now anyways...if he makes this decision he might actually "screw" himself over? I don't know maybe it'll help him with Hillary voters that still refuse to vote for him? maybe the swing voters that went to McCain for choosing a woman VP in the first place may change their mind. I mean if you look at it in "experience" John McCain has an "unexperienced" woman VP and Obama (should he switch to Hillary), according to the people, is "inexperienced" and if he has Hillary then he will have "experience" as his VP? So looking at it in two different perspectives its a little mind boggling and confusing. I will be very interested to see if he makes this decision and especially intereseted to see if he does this before the debate on friday or if he'll wait for the debate on friday to even bring it to the public's attention. The debate will be interesting!

-Sara Hardy

Styles-Gabby Styles said...

First of all, although you make a valid point about this hurting him more than benifiting which makes sense but you must understand that this is a rumor as of now. There are no facts to back it up. I went on CNN last night to find stories on it and there were non. It bothers me when people take rumours to the extreme. No one knows anything that is fact about this yet. I feel like you cannot really judge him on something he did not do. And if it does happen it may turn out to be that Biden really does have a so called health issue. I am sure Obama would not change his VP now unless it was utterly necessary....The rumor was becuase of people thinking that Biden was going to step down because of an illness, NOT Obama changing his mind so that he can get more votes.

Fact before rumors people....dont get caught up or hyped up by the rumor....

annie said...

Everything said above about rumors is completely true! I don't think Obama would ever try to change his selection for VP... he's smarter than that.

And if Joe Biden does, in fact, have a health issue, do you guys really think he would choose Hillary? Even if it is obvious that it wasn't Obama's plan to replace Biden and even though Hillary might seem like a good pick, I feel as if people might think he was choosing her just to match up to McCain.

All that said, I really hope Biden doesn't have to step down for any reason. I am just a little worried because now, even though they are just rumors, the thought of Obama replacing Biden is out there. I hope people don't think he would actually do that and start to look down on him simply because of rumors. So lets just hope voters follow the "Facts before Rumors" motto too!