Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Last Debate

Well, we've made it through the fourth debate - what are your thoughts on it? Pretty personal all in all.


KevinSanchez said...

One of the things that I liked most about the debate is when McCain tried to bring up the fact, that Obama was connected to Bill Ayers. It was interesting to see the response from Obama and how he handled it. I thought he handled it pretty well. His comments and statements that he blasted back to McCain were strong and helpful, in helping me understand this particular issue.

I wrote earlier about how this issue might be brought up by the McCain campaign, and I was right. But again, they were trying to use something they did not understand or misinterpreted, to there advantage. It back fired in his face, when Obama set the issue to rest.

C. Kelly said...

I did not watch the entire debate because something else was good on TV. However I noticed a couple things:

1. Barack Obama is so freaking cute!..I mean compared to John McCain he is just way more attractive. I personally liked the format of the last debate, but the split screen was not in McCain's favor because he looked like a little old man...

2. John McCain finally said something where he expressly separated himself from President Bush and even made Barack Obama look a little stupid...I thought that was the big line of the night..

3. Joe The Plumber??

Joanna said...

I enjoyed watching this debate. I thought that both candidates handled some questions well and could have handled some better. I agree with Kevin that Obama handled the William Ayers question very well. I am ignorant to this situation and he answered my questions about it. I think it was reassuring to any Obama supporters that may have had some reservations about his ties to Ayers.

Sara said...

I REALLY enjoyed this debate. Like you said Professor Muir it was very personal. There was more dialogue back and forth from both candidates which really made me realize their "real" feelings towards the questions being asked.

I loved the question that ____ asked "would you be able to sit here face-to-face and tell your opponent some of the comments that you have made throughout your campaign?" McCain told Obama that he didn't make a comment about an "out of bounds" comment made by a republican, Obama didn't say anything. "We will run a truthful campaign", and then he brought up that Obama lied to the American people that he would negociate with McCain a spending plan. Whatever, blah blah blah I didn't think that his answer to this question was good. He even told Obama that he has had the most negative ads ever! Which is a lie because McCain has the most negative ads this presidential campagin. Obama did a really good job with his rebuttle to McCain's answers. "I think the American people are less interested in our hurt feelings and instead address the issues." This is what I am interested in learning about not about whether John McCain is mad at Obama or vice-versa.

I think that this was a very informative debate. I think it showed both negagtive and positive sides of both candidates. I think that it would be a tie as to who won this debate.