Thursday, October 16, 2008

Politics and Sports

It's not everyday that I see something about politics on my favorite website-ESPN. I was a little shocked that the Obama campaign had bought out 30 minutes of air time for a special presentation. I was even more shocked to see that Obama had purchased the air time for 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM on October 29th-Game four of the World Series-possibly the final game of the World Series. In some ways this is a brilliant move by Obama to catch viewers right before an important night. In some ways it can be annoying, as a die hard baseball fan who does not a team in the World Series I am kind of annoyed that on a sacred night in baseball politicians are trying to cut in. As much as I love politics I do not want to see Obama for thirty minutes especially when Phillies when hopefully loose.

1 comment:

Docjay said...

well, we can always choose not to watch, right? but, if this is the only way to catch some people who would not normally tune into politics, isn't this a pretty good strategy?