Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Amazing Moment in History

As I watch Barack Obama speak, I'm thinking about what an amazing campaign this has been. There's much ahead to do, and now we must work to unite this country so we can move forward. Lots of work to be done. It's been great to share this journey with our learning community.

How's everyone doing right now????


annie said...

I am SO happy for Obama and his family! His daughters are beautiful and hold a historical position along with him. All through his speech he seemed so composed and down to earth. What a well faught race?!

However, I do feel for McCain & Palin & their families. They faught just as hard and have truly made their mark in America. They may not have been elected but their campaign will definitely not be forgotten.

All that said, I am glad the campaign is over. All the stress and anticipation can stop and we can now head down the long road of change that we have ahead.

D'Leon B. said...

I'm doing great and this has been an amazing part of history and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to take part.... Like I always said OBAMA 08

Keeley Peters said...

I would first just like to say how incredibly surprised I was when Virginia popped up as a blue state on TV. Being from Southwest Virginia, and being a supporter of more liberal candidates, I never thought it would be possible for the state to go to a Democrat, especially in a presidential election, despite all of the Democrats in the North. I was very happily surprised! The first thing I did was call my Mom, and she was pretty much in shock, as was I.

Then, if you were watching MSNBC, about ten seconds after Virginia was awarded to Obama, they announced Obama as the 44th President of the United States. I thought it was a huge mistake, like they accidentally ran a segment and they weren't suppose to. I just thought about all of the flack that MCNBC was going to get for running a segment when he really hadn't won yet! How embarrassing, right!?

But then all of the viewers across the country came on TV cheering and crying. Everyone outside my dorm started going crazy...jumping up and down, screaming, etc. I was amazed at the speed in which all of the ballots were counted and tallied, because everyone remembers the mess that was the last election!

Anyway, I would just like to say that no matter what your political viewpoints, Barack Obama will be the next President. I don't think it does any use to talk about what McCain could have done better or failed to do. I think with the situation this country is in right now: in the middle of two wars, and an economic recession, it is imperative that we all come together right now, no matter who you voted for.

Congratulations Obama! (I think you're going to make a great President.)

Raine Rodokanakis said...

obviously, i am not happy. I think it is an amazing historic moment in our nation to have its first black president. That thought has not really sunk in with me though about how significant that really is. There have been a lot of strides made in our country to eliminate racism that has been a plague on our country, which is evident by the outcome of this election.

Its really cool to know that we have now broken down one of the last few barriers in this nation, up next female president!

I worry about how this will affect our country though. I don't agree with his plans at all, but I guess we'll see how these next four years turn out. (And im praying for only four, sorry had to say something)

I enjoyed both of the candidates speeches and thought McCains was heartfelt and sincere. I agree with reaching out across the table and working together otherwise this country will fall apart. Republicans still have a say in this country, and I do believe that Obama will have the decency and respect to not turn our country completely left winged with its policies. I am hoping that he will perform the majority will on issues that America is concerned about and I know he will take into account the other sides perspectives to balance out his new plans he is going to put into effect.

With all of this said, I'm mad as hell, McCain Palin all the way

C. Kelly said...

I too am very happy for Obama and sad for McCain. I personally disagreed with both candidates but politically aligned more closely with President Obama's policies. Unfortunately for McCain, the fear that he will continue to support President Bush's policies seemed to lose the election for him. I know that's what did it for me.
Anyhow, I am extremely happy for Obama and although I did not vote for him because he's African-American, this experience makes me feel more American because my president now looks like me.

And, I agree with Raine, NEXT UP, a female President!

Sara said...

I think that class tomorrow will be extremely interesting.

As for Raine your comment on Obama only being in for four years...what do you think ppl who didn't want Bush in for another 4 years said? Just saying!

It's all said and done! and I am SOO happy!