Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain's Speech

McCain's concession speech could not have been better! He was so gracious and thankful to his supporters. He was so respectful to try and prevent his crowd from boo-ing Obama & Biden. I am an Obama supporter 100% but the speech made me wish that no one had to lose. Congrats to McCain & Palin for a fantastic race! Each of them has still made history.


smorrise said...

Definitely agree... the speech was a great speech, and it did make me wish the both could have won, and poor Palin, she looked like she had been crying. But I liked how McCain controlled the crowd and let them know it will be ok. Great Speech!!

Jessica said...

I agree and even posted on this but it was a though and what seemed like a long race!

C. Kelly said...

I thought Senator McCain's speech was very good too. I was very sad for him because I know that toward the end, his resources were limited so he could not push as hard as Obama. Although he did not win, I respect Senator McCain so much for fighting as hard as he did. Hopefully, he will work with Obama to improve our nation. I don't want a liberal nation or a conservative nation, I want a better nation.