Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sick of negativity!!!!

Since last night I have heard a few very negative things about Obama. I understand that no one likes to lose and you may not be happy with the results, but there is no need for hatred. As upset as McCain supporters are, they need to realize that democrats went through the same thing in the past two elections... so you guys are not alone nor oppressed. Things don't always turn out the way we would like for them to but life does and will go on!!... So stop acting like the world is coming to an end! We have just been through eight years of what some would call the worst presidency in history, and guess what?... we're all still here!!! I know you all wouldn't want anyone to bash McCain if he had won so please don't be a hypocrite.


smorrise said...

definitely agree with you. After Obama won on Tuesday night i noticed a lot of my friends, who were McCain supports, had their status saying some negative things such as i moving to such and such whose with me? Or now our government and is going to be a socialist government now because of Obama. Its getting out of hand and ridicules. Like Annie said, we had 8 years of nonsense and bad choices made, but yet no one put that into their status and said i am moving to Europe. Like Obama said "he is our president" so we are all going to have to just except that and stop saying so much negativity towards him.

Jeannette said...

Some people are stupid and they do not think about what they are saying until after they say it. People can be very rude and down right mean at times. Think positive because positiveness is the right energy to give out not negative.