Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ayers & Obama

Last week on September 11th i was watching the television and while watching some of the commercials there was a commercial that was put on about Obama and his ties to terrorists. I first thought, here we go again, they are linking his name to Osama Bin Ladin, but i was wrong. This commercial told of his ties to a terrorist group that was led by americans during the 1970's. this terrorist group was called Weather Underground. this group bombed the capital the pentagon and police stations. One of the leaders (William Ayers), who was a higher up within the terrorist group, was put on trial but acquitted due to false survelience put on by the FBI. Ayers is a professor today and admits to his doings, claiming that he "did not do enough" and also that he "has no regrets." I did some research and found that Ayers has helped Obama sense the start of his campaign in Ayers own home. Obama has defended him by saying that is ayers is repectable and mainstream. They both served together on the left wing board in CHicago.

I was wondering why the media has not gotten far into this information. They made a big deal about petty things such as Obama's relgion and the lipstick on the pig saying. I personally would have thought that something like this would be far more mainstream than reverend wright.
The link to the video that i saw on Sept 11th is and it was not made by the Mccain campiagn but by american issues project. Why have not that many people heard of this?


KevinSanchez said...

I also agree. Strategically, the McCain campaign should really capitalize on this new found information.

But, it could just be information that is just plain incorrect, or misinterpreted. I think if this type of information gets out to the mainstream then he will lose many votes.

annie said...

Are you kidding me? Obama and his ties to terrorists? WOW! In case you missed it in the video, the Ayers bombings were done 30 years before 9-11. Obama is 47 years old now so at the time of those bombings he would have be TEN YEARS OLD! He is not "tied" to terrorism in any way! Even if he and Ayers were friends, they worked on a board together so I'm sure their relationship was mostly public.

If Obama had real ties to terrorism he would not be in the position he is today. Someone, somewhere would have picked up on it. Especially once he started nearing the White House. Our Government officials are not that stupid or ignorant.

I'm not worried about it becoming mainstream because I'm sure McCain and his advisors know more than you or I ever will and Obviously they know it is crap and that they have nothing to build a case against him!