Thursday, September 4, 2008

McCain's Speech

Well...well...well...where to start? Did anyone see his backdrop of the white house? what a selling point? or the people who randomly were shown by the camera i have NO IDEA what they did but I have a feeling it wasn't good considering security escorted them away! Anyways I thought that McCain's speech was acceptable, considering I am an Obama supporter. However, I really enjoyed how he, or whoever wrote his speech, talked directly to the undecided voters. I think that the way he worded it "...I intend to earn your trust..." or something like that. I thought the way he addressed Obama was respectful and honorable, just like I thought Obama did a good job of honorably mentioning his opponent in his speech. He said "we are very different...but despite our differences, we are Americans which means more to me than any other!...but don't get me wrong we will win this election." I also think he did a good job of targeting the Obama/Biden comments of "the next 4 years cannot be the same as the last 8." He said something along the lines of let's get this country back on track/road and bring change to the white house. He talks about change a lot! I don't know much about McCain or his campaign but when I hear "CHANGE" i think of Obama, so I'm not sure how I feel about him "stealing his slogan" if you will. I thought he did a very good job talking about Gov. Sarah Palin. "She has experience..." and he named several, which I thought proved and showed the world WHY he choose her as his running mate. I liked how he said "She doesn't let anyone tell her to sit down...I'm honored to have introduced you to her...but I will be even more honored to introduce her in the white house." I thought that was a great symbolic display of his trust and confidence in choosing her as his running mate! He also mentioned President Bush but only for a moment but I thought that briefly talking about him was what he needed to do! I think Sen. John McCain said what he needed to say. And for being an Obama supporter I think that McCain just made this election look like it will be a close one!


Docjay said...

Some good points Sarah. It is interesting to read the commentary today however. A number of writers are suggesting that McCain is shifting from his "maverick" image to sounding more and more like the conservative mainstream. I wonder if anyone in the class agrees with this perception, or is it just the pundits talking?

Matt Webster said...

I felt Mccain had a great speech. I feel that he touched on alot of things that we hit on in class what with talking about the economy and being a POW. He took a couple of hits at Obama which showed that he is not afraid. On one hand I felt his speech was superb but his delivery was not as charasmtic as his opponent, but i did like the different topics he brought up about taxes, economy and the war in Iraq. This is going to be a close election.

C. Kelly said...

I was surprised by how believable he was...I mean ALL POLITICIANS ARE ACTORS, but he actually sounded like he might believe what he's saying.

C. Kelly said...

I also think that McCain has changed his tune a litte bit with regard to the war. He said something last night about not putting anyone else's kids in unnecessary danger like his child is in...a few months ago he was talking about 100 more years...

Keeley Peters said...

I guess I'm going out on a limb by saying that I really did not like McCain's speech. Unlike some of the other comments that were left, I didn't think McCain was believable. It sounded very scripted and I don't think his "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT," sounded all that enthusiastic. It just sounded like a repetitive mess to me. It's not that I don't appreciate and respect McCain and his stand to protect America, but I don't think you can base a campaign on "I am going to fight for this, and this, and this, and this." I feel like there is only so much more fighting that Americans can take (both abroad and on the home front) and he didn't make it sound like he was too willing to WORK TOGETHER, especially with the law makers in Washington.

D'Leon B. said...

I am with Keeley I didn’t enjoy Senator McCain speech either, it did seem exceedingly scripted especially when he mentioned random names an issues that some American family was experiencing. I know he wanted to make it seem like he cared, but it showed the opposite. For example, he was talking about families going through hardships, but at the same time he owns SEVEN houses that he never thought about given away trying to help one of these families. If Senator McCain would do that would make his story a lot more believable. Also, with his speech he would make these weird pauses I guess to get applause, but most of the time it didn’t work and it showed. Overall I dislike his speech.

Joanna said...

I felt like McCain's speech was okay. I do not think he is a very good speaker and I do agree that it sounded very scripted. I think he tried too hard to relate to the average American family by using his examples. He was more respectable to Obama than Palin and some of the other Republicans that spoke at the convention.