Saturday, September 27, 2008

So what are your thoughts about Debate 1?

Thanks to the Debatewatch group for all your help tonight with the first event. You were great.

So what did everyone think about this debate? Who is everyone saying won? Does it matter if there is a winner? What's most important here? Would love to hear what you think.


Keeley Peters said...

I didn't watch the debate in real time last night, but I watched most of it on this morning. Let me just say, I was quite surprised by Obama's opening comments. I read a few articles last week that made it seem as though Obama was going to be stumbling over his words and would be showing his inexperience. However, I was impressed by his ability within the opening minutes of the debate to outline what he would like to see in the economic recovery plan. I felt that in contrast to McCain, Obama gave an understandable outline of the points that he would like the plan to include. I feel that McCain was much more vague and just like one of the articles that I read during the week, he attempted to turn the conversation by referencing something he knows well, international conflict.

Caitlin M said...

As part of Debate Group, I saw the whole thing. I thought Obama did a very good job and showed that he can handle the pressure. The day after, I saw Obama in Fredericksburg and he pointed something out that I found interesting. Not once did McCain mention the middle class. Considering the economic crisis our country is facing I found that to be intriguing. Considering McCain needs the support of the Middle Class in order to win the election, you would think he would have tried to reach out to them.

From last week, I found it interesting that Bush decided just now that we needed to do something about the economy. A little over a month ago I watched Bush being interviewed at the Olympics. The Reporter asked the President, how he feels about China becoming a possible World Power, when our own Economy is doing so horrible. Bush's reaction was "Well, first of all, I don't think our economy is doing horrible".. How do you go from not doing horrible to doing horrible? What made him change his mind? And a week before the debate? I found it interesting timing. Then McCain's whole "Suspending the Campaign" deal. I think it was all a sham, a show to put on for the public. Either way, McCain thankfully showed up and it was a good debate.

Lastly, (wow this comment has turned into its own blog post)..
The failure of the bail out plan. I find it comical that McCain did pull the whole 'drop everything, go to Washington, lets all act like we care about the economy for a second, maybe then the public will think I'm the right vote' and after all his commotion over 'making the right choice'. The plan was failed. I also found McCain's reaction interesting. He blames Obama and the democrats.. funny when 133 Republicans vs. 95 Democrats voted against the bill. Now how is that the Democrats fault? Either way McCain should not be placing blame. It is what it is. Our economy is falling faster and faster day by day, and we're doing nothing to stop it. Both parties need to let bygones be bygones and figure it out. Stop placing blame, stop complaining, and deal with it.

I think that's enough for now. -Caitlin

KevinSanchez said...

I felt that the debates were very interesting. I felt that the candidates both did a good job of presenting there views and understanding the issues. More some, then others. I also found it very interesting how the candidates interacted, or didnt. I also felt that they both were able to defend there political positions better then I thought. Overall, I would like to see what will happen in the other debates.

Sara said...

I feel that my Q8 answers this but I really think that Obama won this debate by a landslide. Senator McCain didn't seem confident in his answers until he started talking about the war, which sometimes I feel is the only thing he is really "good" at talking about. However, this could possibliy change during the townhall debate.

Another minor thing that I found about the aesthetics of the debate was John McCain's tie. It was red with stripes. Now normally if someone wore that kind of tie I wouldn't say that it was distracting. However, on television I felt that the tie was very distracting and seemed hypnotizing to both my boyfriend and I (I wasn't on anything I promise). It just seemed too busy so half the time I had to look away to be able to listen to him speak. Obama stayed plain jane with his red tie and it suit his attire!

All in all Obama won for many reasons and one being that he was prepared.

adugan said...

I think the debate was interesting. They both seemed to have downplayed how they would do and both came out doing fine, or though it seemed. I think the whole McCain lets postpone the debate thing wsa a setup, since he didn't actually do it, and the whole bailout plan got voted against. I wish he would have stuck by what he had originally said. Now it just seems as though he did it for media. However I feel they both made good points in the debate. They both defended attacks, by saying that's not true, and got fustrated with each other for pulling out votinga dn things that were said in the past. I feel as though neither had a leg up on the other. One thing I liked about McCain ont he foriegn/war issues, is that he could relate all of it to his own experiences. Obama just kinda was like I have a plan and this is it. McCain could show his experience with many different foriegn issues. I am not sure who won. Obama seemed very rehearsed and not as humanlike to me as he did in the past, and I felt with McCain stories of his experiences he did.

Matt Webster said...

I enjoyed it. I did not think it was the best debate ever. I feel the candidates could have done better in different areas. I watched the debate with no biases. Everyone said Obama won but in my eyes i felt McCain won because he was very aggressive and acted like he knew what he was talking about. One thing that i liked obama was how he looked into the camera and also used his hands. Bill Clinton used his hands the same way and i felt that was what made him famous in debates and speeches. I do not think it matters who won because there are a couple more debates left before the election. And 4 years ago the media said John Kerry won the first debate against George W. Bush but Bush bounced back and ended up winning the election.

C. Kelly said...

I didn't get a chance to watch it but I read the transcript. From what I read it seemed like Senator Obama was very articulate and was very strong during the economy portion of the debate. Senator McCain seemed to stay on the same subject no matter what question was asked with regard to the economy. However, once the topic changed to foreign policy his reponses became longer and he made more attacks against Senator Obama, redeeming himself from the first half of the debate. One thing I also noticed was that both candidates made accusations that were refuted by the other. That made me question the whole event. Both of them looked like liars to me.